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Andrews Financial

Secure your financial future with confidence.
Join us at a seminar or schedule a one-on-one meeting today to protect your retirement with safety, growth, and simplicity.

Let's Talk About

Keys to a Successful Retirement

You have saved money for retirement for your entire working life. Now, it’s time to protect that money. Running out of money in retirement is a major concern for many people. Thankfully, there are ways to both protect your retirement savings and generate a reasonable rate of return.** Attend one of our educational retirement seminars to learn more, or get in touch with us to arrange a one-on-one meeting. The most important keys to a successful retirement, in our opinion, are safety, a reasonable rate of return**, and simplicity.

We Can Help You

Discover the Keys to a Successful Retirement

To make the best decisions regarding your retirement, you should have access to as much information as possible.

Consider the following questions: in the event of a stock market crash, what would happen to your money? Retirement is drawing near, so you’re going to need your money soon. Therefore, it’s unlikely that you’ll have enough time to recover your losses if the market drops. Your priorities have probably changed as a result of this, with safety taking the first spot.

The long-term financial stability of clients is our number one priority–we can show you potential ways to ensure your retirement strategy's long-term success. Our goal is to educate clients on the keys to a successful retirement.

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Our 3 Core Principles

Safety First

You've undoubtedly seen some ups and downs if you've made stock market investments. But now that you're getting close to—or have already entered—retirement, your priorities have probably changed. We believe that safeguarding your finances should be your top priority. So, if you agree with that, reach out to us. We can show you methods of protecting your money you may have never considered before.

Reasonable Rate of Return**

Your next goal after safety should be to generate interest on your retirement nest egg. Do you have to give up the chance of earning a reasonable rate of return** if your retirement strategy puts safety first? Short answer: No. Some types of annuities or certain life insurance policies may be a way to receive both of these benefits. These products earn interest at a reasonable rate** without putting your money at risk in the stock market.

Keep It Simple

Developing a retirement income strategy might be intimidating. Even with the number of variables and options you must weigh in order to just live comfortably in retirement, there is still hope for a simple retirement strategy. Not only is it feasible to streamline your strategy, but we think that some of the best options are simple ones. You deserve a worry-free retirement, and you can't have that if you have to spend all your time worrying about the success of your strategy. We can help you keep it simple. Reach out to us to learn more.

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Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

financial advisor meeting with couple to discuss keys to a successful retirement
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