One Of Our Core Principles:

Safety First

Find Out About The

Safest Place For Retirement Money

As retirement approaches (or arrives), your goals may shift. You may look for safer, more stable places to store your money. After all, if you lose a significant percentage of your retirement assets, time is no longer on your side. You need to keep that money safe, because it’s your only source of income in retirement. There are methods that can give you a guarantee* of safety for some of your retirement income. What is the safest place for retirement money? We’ll do our best to help you find it.

How to Keep Your Retirement Money Safe

We feel that long-term protection is crucial to a good retirement strategy. Stock market fluctuations can reduce your retirement funds. However, there are methods to stay protected regardless of what happens in the market. We can make recommendations based on your individual situation and retirement goals. Certain products, such as life insurance policies and annuities, may provide a safe place for retirement money.

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Let's Consider

Annuities For Retirement

Fixed-indexed annuities (FIAs) are a type of annuity contract that offers principal protection.

This guarantee* is contingent on the claim-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Furthermore, an FIA can provide reasonable rates of return** on the funds you contribute. Additionally, an FIA is an insurance product, not an investment or savings account. This is an important distinction, as it brings additional benefits, such as specific tax benefits.

Contact Us Today

If you believe an annuity could be right for you, please get in touch with us.

We can discuss specifics with you at a one-on-one meeting.

Alternatively, you might attend one of our educational seminar events, where we provide a gourmet dinner (at no cost) and further information about these products. Nothing is sold at these events, and there is no obligation to schedule a follow-up meeting. Help us help you–we strive to help you find the safest place for retirement money.

Help us help you–we strive to help you find the safest place for retirement money.

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